The beginning...
So, I met this boy during my summer job for the County. He was completely different than the boys I knew at my high school. He went to a public school and he wasn't Catholic (honestly, I'm not even sure of this fact) I mention these two things because life was different back in the 80s - before electronics. Kids didn't really know too many other kids from other schools unless you were neighbors or knew them through your parents or little league or something. Well, here I was working with this boy that was a complete opposite of everything I knew and it was exciting. I grew up reading these teenage romance-type books (they weren't super racy and I'd say they would be rated PG) and the theme was always that the girl falls for the boy she never thought of and they survive against all odds. I'm not saying that I sought out this kind of a relationship but a lightbulb went off in my head when I noticed all of our differences. Perhaps, he's the boy I overlooked? I...