
Showing posts from April, 2018

Continuing On

I realize that the reader may be rolling their eyes as how could I not know that Steve would break up with me! Well, I guess I wasn't surprised but I was crushed that not only did he wait until the day after we signed the final adoption papers but HE broke up with ME! I thought that I had it all together - I was confident in sports, I was well loved at home (despite all of the emotional crap I convinced myself was true), and I had a really good group of friends. It sent me into an emotional spiral from which I'm still recovering.  I spent the next few months healing from the physical pains of childbirth while also trying to heal from the real, deep emotional pain from adoption. I'm the biggest cheerleader when it comes to adoption. I know that it is such a loving option for those facing an unplanned pregnancy. But, there are life-long emotions that come from it as well. I'd probably say that I didn't know my place in life after the adoption and the breakup. What wa